The Welfare Hub
Hello and welcome to the Welfare Hub. At Ark Kings Academy, the welfare team offer advice, guidance, and support to our pupils and the rest of the school community. We oversee pupils' attendance, health and wellbeing, and signpost to community services in order to address any barriers to learning.
Meet the team
![]() Mrs Wardley |
I lead the Welfare team by ensuring robust processes and procedures are in place to provide wrap-around support for our pupils and their families. I provide whole school support to staff to ensure that the pupils have access to intervention to address any concerns and that their voice is heard. I review and implement policies to ensure that our pupils are safeguarded. I track and monitor the delivery and impact of all services offered by the welfare team and actively promote the safety and welfare of our pupils to ensure they are thriving, happy and successful.
![]() Mrs Malik |
I work with pupils, their families and external agencies to safeguard the pupils by ensuring that they are safe and happy and that their needs are met so they can thrive to reach their full potential. As one of two welfare officers in Secondary, my job is to act as a point of contact in school for pupils and families in need of support. I liaise with and signpost external agencies to ensure that the appropriate support and intervention are provided to meet the holistic needs of the family. I also work closely with and provide advice to Ark King's staff on safeguarding matters. I ensure that safeguarding policies and procedures are followed so all our pupils can learn in a safe environment.
![]() Mrs Morris |
I work with pupils, their families and external agencies to safeguard the pupils by ensuring that they are safe and happy and their needs are met so they can thrive to reach their full potential. As one of two welfare officers in Secondary, my job is to act as a point of contact in school for pupils and families in need of support. I liaise with and signpost external agencies to ensure that the appropriate support and intervention are provided to meet the holistic needs of the family. I also work closely with and provide advice to Ark King's staff on safeguarding matters. I ensure that safeguarding policies and procedures are followed so all our pupils can learn in a safe environment.
![]() Mr Beardmore |
I am responsible for the daily attendance and absence monitoring and work closely with families to address and provide support for any barriers to good attendance. I work with pupils, their families and external agencies to safeguard the pupils by ensuring that they are safe, and happy and that their needs are met so they can thrive to reach their full potential.
![]() Miss Pinchin |
I am a Welfare Officer in the upper school of the primary sector. I work in the pastoral team supporting children within the school environment and their family members in the wider community. I am the ELSA lead which involves supporting children with their mental health, friendships, self-esteem, and any personal concerns. I am also the first aid lead which requires me to ensure care plans are in place, staff are aware of any medical issues for their pupils and also general first aid care of the pupils during the day. I work with pupils, their families and external agencies to safeguard pupils by making sure they are safe and happy to be the best they can.
![]() Mrs Turton |
There are many health conditions that require regular input from a healthcare professional in school. I support the pupils in taking regular prescription medications to ensure their conditions are managed effectively. I complete care plans for pupils and liaise with other healthcare professionals to ensure the needs of the pupils are met. I provide first aid response and provide emergency care. I coordinate all of the school immunisation programmes. I am available to provide health and welfare support, guidance and signposting to our families.
![]() Miss Oram |
I provide a confidential counselling service to pupils experiencing a wide range of emotional problems. I offer support, advice and guidance to pupils and their families in addressing issues affecting emotional wellbeing. Therapy is pupil-led and will be bespoke for each pupil's needs. I use techniques such as play, art and talking therapy. I provide a drop-in service at break and lunchtime where pupils have the opportunity to talk in confidence about any worries they may have, I will then support them in understanding their feelings and emotions. In consultation with parents and carers, I refer to and liaise with external agencies to provide a holistic support package to meet the emotional needs of the pupils.
![]() Miss Bridgman |
I am responsible for the daily attendance and absence monitoring and work closely with families to address and provide support for any barriers to good attendance. I provide regular communication with families to ensure that they are kept informed of any attendance or punctuality concerns. I ensure that school registers are complete and accurate to safeguard our pupils. I work closely with families and external agencies to ensure that appropriate guidance and intervention are provided to improve attendance and punctuality. I provide advice and guidance to families on all school admission-related enquiries and maintain the school admissions waiting lists.
![]() Mrs Aldubai |
I am responsible for the daily attendance and absence monitoring and work closely with families to address and provide support for any barriers to good attendance. I work closely with the Attendance and Admissions Officer on all of the daily duties to monitor attendance and absence and provide regular communication with families to discuss absences. I provide advice and guidance to pupils and their families on strategies to improve attendance and punctuality. I support school admissions and the maintenance of the waiting lists and provide administrative support for all new pupils joining the school.
Education Welfare Service
We work collaboratively with the Education Welfare Service (EWS) to improve school attendance for all pupils to ensure that we maximise their educational potential. The EWS works with schools, parents, external agencies and the Local Authority to remove barriers to attendance, and to resolve any issues thatmay be impacting on a child attending school regularly.
The EWS works with schools, parents, external agencies and the Local Authority to remove barriers to attendance, and to resolve any issues that may be impacting on a child attending school regularly.
The EWS can support, signpost and advise regarding any issues around school attendance and punctuality. The EWS also discharges the school's safeguarding duties regarding safe and well home visits when students are absent from school for 3 or more days or without any contact.

Schools Intervention & Prevention Officer

PC Tatchell and PC Wiltshire are our designated School Intervention & Prevention Officers. They work closely with all educational establishments across the Northfield Constituency which comprises of 9 Secondary Schools, 35 Primary Schools and 2 Colleges of Higher Education.
The role of the SIP Officer is to work in partnership with key stakeholders within the locality of Northfield to operationalise co-ordinated early intervention and embed our trauma informed policing as part of a holistic and structured intervention plan for children and young people.