Why is it important at Ark Kings to develop pupils’ character?
Character education at Kings is designed to help children and young people develop a robust set of skills and attributes that will enable them to confidently face life’s challenges and opportunities, now and in a fast-changing future. Research suggests that successful development of such skills and attributes underpins future academic, personal and professional success. The core themes within the PSHE curriculum are wrapped in a common language and map out the territory of learning.
PSHE at Kings offers both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness as they move through the primary phase. It builds on the skills that pupils start to acquire during the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online safety.
What are the aims?
We aim to build pupils' social and emotional development through our school values: "Wisdom. Resilience. Kindness." This creates a whole school ethos and high expectations of behaviour towards others in and beyond the school community, underpinned by a clear understanding of the kinds of young people we wish them to become. We enable our pupils to have a strong sense of identity and belonging by embedding values and virtues. The development of these characteristics will enable pupils to thrive in life, education and employment.
On enrolment, pupils are placed into one of four houses, Lancaster, Stuart, Tudor, Windsor or York. House points are awarded for behaviour which demonstrates our school values, this is monitored weekly by the pastoral team. Pupils have the opportunity to receive bronze, silver, gold and platinum badges for their achievements.
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One of our curriculum aims is to develop pupils' global citizenship. Pupils work towards this through their engagement with charities and good causes. Each year group is a champion for a range of local, national and international charities where they lead running events in school to raise money and awareness. Pupil leadership is an integral part of life at Kings - these charitable projects enable all of our pupils to take a lead in making positive contributions to society.
Below is an overview of the charities and good causes that pupils support across their time in the Primary Phase at Ark Kings Academy:
Nursery and Reception Fundraising
Local Community Project | |
Community Planter Project (Summer 1)
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
Christmas Toy Project (Autumn 2)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
WWF (Summer 2)
Year 1
Local Community Project | |
Care Home
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
Harvest Food Bank (Autumn 1)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
Comic/Sport Relief (Spring 2)
Year 2
Local Community Project | |
Care Home
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
Jeans for Genes (Autumn 1)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
Comic/Sport Relief (Spring 2)
Year 3
Local Community Project | |
Heart of England Forest (ongoing)
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
Save the Children (Autumn 2)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
Water Aid (Spring 2)
Year 4
Local Community Project | |
Shelter (Birmingham)
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
Children in Need (Autumn 2)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
Water Aid (Spring 2)
Year 5
Local Community Project | |
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
Macmillan (Autumn 1)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
UNICEF (Summer 1)
Year 6
Local Community Project | |
Women’s Refuge
Global Citizenship (UK based) | |
British Legion (Autumn 2)
Global Citizenship (worldwide) | |
UNICEF (Summer 1)