At our Academy we know that students may need different or additional support at specific times during their time in our school to be successful. Our school SENCO works closely with all teachers to identify needs early and assess which interventions or specialist support is required. We monitor progress following the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ model to ensure support is appropriately pitched, targeted and personalised.
We know that support must be holistic and focus upon the whole child. This means that alongside academic intervention and support, we also focus upon social and emotional skills (particularly emotional regulation), growth mindset and self-esteem, life skills (such as self-organisation and time management) and well-being (physical and mental). We aim to model reflective practice which is not simply reactive but pro-active to anticipate and plan for support ahead of challenges to come.
Whilst our curriculum has high aspirations for all pupils, teachers know to adapt resources and outcomes for the ability of individual students. As such, pupils with additional needs will receive the same high-quality teaching input from their class teacher, whilst perhaps working on different targets to their peers – for example the end result of a task may take a different form.