Senior Leadership Team

Executive Principal (Deputy DSL)
Caz Brasenell

Primary Head of School (Deputy DSL)
Mr J Taylor
Primary Assistant Headteacher: Lower School (Lead DSL)
Mrs Moorfield
Primary Assistant Headteacher: Upper School (Deputy DSL)
Mr Geerlings
Middle Leaders
Associate Assistant Headteacher: Early Years, Reception and Year 1 Phase Lead
Miss Hadley
Associate Assistant Headteacher: Years 5 and 6 Phase Lead
Mr Scott
Early Years Lead and Reception Teacher
Miss Begum
Class Teachers
Nursery Teacher
Mrs Robinson
Early Years Lead and Reception Teacher
Miss Begum
Year 1 Teacher
Miss Carr
Year 2 Teacher
Miss Howden
Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Simmonds
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Beckett
Year 5 Teacher
Miss Hay
Year 6 Teacher
Miss Lilburn
Support Staff
Welfare Officer: Lower School
Mr Beardmore
Welfare Officer: Upper School
Miss Pinchin
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Miss Ellis
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Miss McGettrick
Reception Teaching Assistant
Mrs Powell
Lower School Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hislop
Upper School SEND Teaching Assistant
Miss Corry
SENDCo Assistant
Miss Yeoman
SENDCo Assistant
Mrs Iqbal
SEND TA Apprentice
Miss Fream
SEND Teaching Assistant
Mrs Preedy
SEND TA Apprentice
Miss Bashford
SEND Teaching Assistant
Miss Rivers
SEND TA Apprentice
Miss Clarke
Cover Supervisor
Miss Taj
Operational Staff
Mrs Banks
General Admin Assistant
Mrs Brewster
Site Assistant
Mr Walton
Play Leader and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs James
Deputy Catering Manager
Mrs Sykes
Catering Assistant
Miss Rose
Catering Assistant
Mrs McGrory
Senior Leadership Team

Executive Principal [Deputy DSL]
Mrs Brasenell

Secondary Principal [Deputy DSL]
Mr Richards

Secondary Head of School (Lead DSL)
Mr O'Brien

All-through Phase SEND Coordinator
Miss A Busby
Telephone: 0121 459 4451

Secondary Vice Principal [Quality of Education, Personal Development, Deputy DSL & Teacher of Computer Science]
Miss Lewis
Assistant Principal Behaviour and Attitudes Key Stage 3 and Teacher of Physical Education
Mr Barker
Secondary Assistant Principal – Quality of Education and Teacher of Science
Mr Ward
Secondary Assistant Principal - Quality of Education and Teacher of RE
Mrs Shaheen
Secondary Assistant Principal [Quality of Education]
Mrs O'Sullivan
Secondary Assistant Principal for Personal Development and Teacher of Geography
Mr Mitchell
Operations Manager [Data Protection Lead]
Mrs Smith
Middle Leadership Team
Secondary Assistant Principal for Personal Development and Teacher of Geography
Mr Mitchell
Associate Assistant Principal for Key Stage 4 and Teacher of Science
Mr Sallis
Director of Vocational Studies and PE
Mrs McAllister
Key Stage 3 Phase Lead and Teacher of PE
Mr White
Head of Mathematics
Mr Rajani
Head Science and ITT Lead
Mrs Jesmin
Deputy Head of Science
Miss Elgee
Director of Creative Arts and Technologies, and Teacher of Music
Mr Bull
Director of Humanities and Teacher of History
Mr McEwan
Lead Teacher of Physical Education
Miss Williams
Head of MFL
Miss Black
Head of Art and textiles
Miss Wye
Head of Food Technology
Miss Oluban
Teaching Staff
Vice Principal - Personal Development and Teacher of Computer Science
Miss Lewis
Teacher of Computer Science
Mr Mohammed
Teacher of English
Miss Cunningham
Teacher of English
Miss Bulman
Teacher of English
Miss Omar
Academy Librarian
Miss Homer
Head of Mathematics
Mr Rajani
Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs Moodley
Teacher of Mathematics
Miss Blackwood
Teacher of Mathematics
Miss Elias
Head Science and ITT Lead
Mrs Jesmin
Deputy Head of Science
Miss Elgee
Secondary Assistant Principal – Quality of Education and Teacher of Science
Mr Ward
Associate Assistant Principal for Key Stage 4 and Teacher of Science
Mr Sallis
Teacher of Science
Mrs Mushtaq
STEM and High Prior Attainment Lead, Teacher of Science
Mrs Sacks
Teacher of Science
Mx Doswell
Science Technician
Mr Canning
Director of Creative Arts and Technologies, and Teacher of Music
Mr Bull
Teacher of Music
Miss Skriabina
Head of Art and textiles
Miss Wye
Teacher of Art
Miss Swain
Head of Food Technology
Miss Oluban
Creative Arts and Technologies Technician
Mrs Cannon
Director of Humanities and Teacher of History
Mr McEwan
Secondary Assistant Principal for Personal Development and Teacher of Geography
Mr Mitchell
Teacher of Geography
Mr Walsh
Teacher of Geography
Miss McKnight
Teacher of History
Mr Dempster
Teacher of RE
Miss Taleb
Secondary Assistant Principal - Quality of Education and Teacher of RE
Mrs Shaheen
Head of MFL
Miss Black
Teacher of MFL
Miss Nelson
Director of Vocational Studies and PE
Mrs McAllister
Lead Teacher of Physical Education
Miss Williams
Assistant Principal Behaviour and Attitudes Key Stage 3 and Teacher of Physical Education
Mr Barker
Support Staff
Cover Supervisor
Mr Mir
Cover Supervisor
Ms Popoola
Behaviour Intervention Lead
Mrs Cole
Behaviour Intervention Lead
Miss Cartwright
Culture and Ethos Lead Year 7
Mr Gakhal
Culture and Ethos Lead Year 8
Mr Neville
Culture and Ethos Lead Year 9
Miss Baggott
Culture and Ethos Lead Year 10
Miss Ferguson
Culture and Ethos Lead Year 11
Mr Bagley
Welfare Lead [Deputy DSL]
Mrs Wardley
Welfare Officer
Mrs Morris
Welfare Officer [Deputy DSL]
Mrs Habib Malik
Attendance and Admissions Officer
Mrs Aldubai
Attendance and Fast Track Officer
Miss Bridgman
Counsellor and Mental Health Lead
Miss Oram
Assistant SENDCo
Miss Hulme
SEND Teaching Assistant
Mr Williams
SEND Teaching Assistant
Mr Evans
SEND Teaching Assistant
Mrs Simms
SEND Teaching Assistant
Mrs Shaikh
SEND Teaching Assistant
Miss Smith
Reading TA Apprentice
Miss Bridges
Reading TA Apprentice
Mrs Forletta
SEND TA Apprentice
Miss Henry
SEND TA Apprentice
Miss Sallah
SEND TA Apprentice
Miss Hussain
Operational Staff
Secondary Principal's PA and Office Manager
Mrs Cartwright
Mrs Shipp
Administrator and Reception Cover
Mrs Gibbs
Secondary Catering Manager
Mrs Walker
Catering Assistant
Mrs Haymes
Catering Assistant
Mrs Cormell
Catering Assistant
Mrs Richards
Catering Assistant
Miss Green
Catering Assistant
Mrs Roche
Catering Assistant
Mr Edmead
Support Staff
Welfare Lead [Deputy DSL]
Mrs Wardley
Counsellor and Mental Health Lead
Miss Oram
School Nurse
Mrs Turton
Health and Welfare Assistant
Mrs Southall
Operational Staff
Operations Manager [Data Protection Lead]
Mrs Smith
Data & Systems Manager
Mrs Tencheva
Data Officer: Examinations & Cover
Miss Phillips
HR Advisor
Miss Mead
HR Adminstrator
Miss Britton
Reprographics, Media and Communications Officer
Mr Dockery
Site Manager
Mr Lee
Site Assistant
Mr Fonseca
Site Assistant