The Ofsted report described Kings as a place where 'children and pupils are happy, safe and proud to attend this all through school'.
Our school has made significant progress since our original inspection in February 2022, which placed us in special measures. Thanks to our rapid and sustained progress, inspectors converted last month's monitoring visit to a full inspection—well within the usual 30-month period.
The process was thorough and extensive. Inspectors spoke with our senior leadership team, local governing body members, teachers, welfare leaders, pupils, and parents. They examined our curriculum, visited lessons, and looked at samples of pupils' work.
The report recognised that 'leaders and teachers have worked tirelessly to improve the curriculum and pupils' outcomes'. They praised our progress, saying 'leaders at all levels have a clear and ambitious vision for this school' and that 'they have worked with determination to secure that vision but have no intention of resting on their laurels'.
Executive Principal Caz Brasenell said, "We are beyond thrilled! We have been on an exceptional school improvement journey and are all determined to make our school the best it can be for our pupils and families. We want to take this opportunity to thank parents for their support and belief over the last two years. This is only the start of our journey, but Ark Kings Academy is a transformed school."

Some of the highlights from the report include:
- Children and pupils are happy, safe and proud to attend this all through school. They understand the high expectations that staff have for them and strive to meet them.
- Pupils try hard because they have high aspirations allied to a 'can do' attitude.
- Leaders and teachers have worked tirelessly to improve the curriculum and pupils' outcomes. Every subject has an ambitious, well-sequenced curriculum from early years to Year 11. All pupils, including those with SEND, benefit from this coordinated approach to learning.
- Pupils with SEND make good progress alongside their peers.
- The teaching of reading is a strength in both school phases.
- Leaders pay serious attention to promoting good attendance. The school has worked hard to ensure that pupils and parents recognise the importance of high attendance. All pupils value the rewards they can earn for attending well.
- Attendance is high and above the national average in the secondary phase.
- All pupils are supported to become responsible citizens who understand their world and respect many cultures, faiths, and beliefs.
- Leaders at all levels have a clear and ambitious vision for this school. They have worked with determination to secure that vision but have no intention of resting on their laurels. Their mantra is that there is always room for more improvement.
- The vast majority of parents are now solidly behind the school because they understand what it is trying to do for their children.
The inspection took place on 13 and 14 March 2024. The full report is available on the Ofsted website here.