Our aims
At Ark Kings Academy, our Science curriculum strives towards the following aims:
- Pupils become proficient scientists through building substantive knowledge across the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
- Pupils develop disciplinary knowledge through working scientifically and conducting a range of scientific enquiries to develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science
Curriculum Overview
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Who am I? What happens at night? |
Can you make it work? Where do animals live? |
What can we do to help? How do things change over time? |
Year 1
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Everyday Materials Which materials can be found in our school? Seasonal Changes What is Britain like in Autumn and Winter? |
Animals, including humans How can we classify animals? Animals, including humans How can we classify animals? |
Animals, including humans How do my senses help me? Seasonal Changes Which plants can be found in Britain What is Britain like in Spring and Summer? |
Year 2
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Animals, including humans What do animals and humans need to survive? Everyday materials What kind of material makes an object work best? |
Living things and their habitats How do habitats help animals to survive and thrive? |
Plants What do plants need to survive?
Year 3
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Animals, including humans How do bones and muscles work together? Rocks and Fossils What can we learn from rocks? |
Light and Shadows Why do I have a shadow and why does it change? |
Plants What is the lifecycle of a flowering plant? Forces and Magnets How do forces and magnets make objects move? |
Year 4
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Animals, including humans What happens to the food we eat? States of Matter What is the difference between a solid, liquid and gas? |
Living things and their habitats How are organisms classified? |
Sound How do we hear? Electricity What makes a simple circuit work? |
Year 5
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Earth and Space Why do we have day and night? Forces How do forces affect objects? |
Materials: Properties and Changes How can materials change? |
Living things and their habitats How do organisms change throughout their life cycles? Animals, including humans What happens as I get older? |
Year 6
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Light and Perception How does light travel? Living things and their habitats Why are organisms classified? |
Evolution and Inheritance How have animals and plants adapted to their environment? |
Electricity How do the number and voltage of cells affect the components in a circuit? Animals, including humans How does the circulatory system work? |
Year 7
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
B1.1 Cells C1.1 Particles P1.1 Forces B1.2 Reproduction |
C1.2 Elements, Atoms and Compounds P1.2 Space B1.3 Interdependence |
C1.3 Mixtures P1.3 Energy Transfers P1.4 Electric Circuits: Current and Potential Difference |
Year 8
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
B2.1 Tissues and Organs C2.1 Acids and Alkalis P2.1 Movement and Pressure B2.2 Respiration and Photosynthesis |
C2.2 Changing Substances P2.2 Magnetism B2.3 Life Diversity C2.3 Earth Systems |
P2.3 Electric circuits - Resistance B2.4 Nutrition P2.4 Light |
Year 9
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
B3.1 Growth and Differentiation C3.1 The Periodic Table P3.1 Acceleration B3.2 Human Interaction |
C3.2 Introduction to Quantitative Chemistry P3.2 Heating B3.3 Genetics |
C3.3 Using resources P3.3 Sound and Waves P3.4 Home Electricity |
Year 10
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
B4.1 The Digestive System B4.2 Circulation and respiration C4.1 Structure and bonding P4.1 Matter |
B4.3 Plants and material cycling C4.2 Extraction of metals C4.3 Quantitative Chemistry P4.2 Energy conservation P4.3 Electric circuits |
B4.4 Health and disease B4.5 Ecology C4.4 Energy changes P4.4 Radioactivity |
Year 11
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
B10 The Human Nervous System B11 Hormonal Coordination B13 Reproduction B14 Variation and Evolution B15 Genetics and Evolution C8 Rates and Equilibrium C9 Crude oil and fuels P12 Wave Properties P13 Electromagnetic Waves P15 Electromagnetism |
B16 Adaptation and Interdependence B18 The effect of human interactions on ecosystem and biodiversity C13 The Earth's Atmosphere C14 The Earth's Resources C12 Chemical Analysis |
Revision based on GCSE past paper question level analysis. |